The Money Blog

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How to Break the Cycle of Giving in to Screen Time Demands? technology & screen time Mar 08, 2025

Have you ever had that moment where the temper tantrum won the battle? And who ever said that they end at the “terrible twos”?

Adults, teens, tweens, and kids still have them—we just don’t throw ours...

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How Excessive Screen Time Affects Your Child: What Every Parent Should Know
 technology & screen time May 13, 2024

In a recent study conducted by the National Institute of Health, alarming statistics emerged regarding the screen time habits of children aged 6-17. The study found that a staggering 80% of children s...

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How do I Manage Screen Time for My Kids? parenting strategies technology & screen time Oct 18, 2023

Are you struggling to connect with your child due to their excessive screen time, and you're searching for ways to bridge the gap and strengthen your relationship?

It’s not easy to figure out the cor...

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